Start Pinnacle Studio and place two video clips in the Timeline. Now go to the Transition library, which contains the proDAD folder with the Vitascene Transition.
A faded lock symbol in front of the plugin name indicates that the plugin has not yet been activated (purchased) and calculations are indicated in test mode by a logo.
Activation will take place online by clicking on:
After activation :
Hold down your left mouse button and drag this transition between the two clips in the Pinnacle Studio Timeline.
Vitascene will not start automatically. Highlight the transition in the Timeline by double clicking with your mouse and go to the Vitascene transition dialogue box.
Click on the Edit Button, this will open Vitascene. Choose a suitable transition from the Transition Templates (e.g. Radial+Mask #14). A playback with the selected transition will appear in the Vitascene preview window and, of course, you can modify the selected transition in Vitascene to suit you.
Once the project has been edited and completed in Vitascene, simply press the F12 key or click on the symbol to return to Pinnacle Studio. This will automatically save the Vitascene project.