Hor. / Vert. displacement for  Wrap

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The Horizontal displacement for Wrap parameter distorts the template and the image material as follows.

horizontal displacement


horizontal displacement 


Vitascene hrz l wrap Hor. / Vert. displacement for Wrap

Vitascene hrz r wrap Hor. / Vert. displacement for Wrap

The Vertical displacement for Wrap parameter distorts the template and the image material as follows.

Vertical displacement


Vertical displacement


Vitascene vrt wrap l100 Hor. / Vert. displacement for Wrap

Vitascene vrt wrap r100 Hor. / Vert. displacement for Wrap

For more information on the X / Y Axis for Wrap parameter, click here.

For more information on the Rotation parameter, click here.

Hor. / Vert. displacement for Wrap