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Rays create penetrating light reflections in the image, which are clearly visible in the following illustration.

Vitascene ray Rays


This is where you can determine the length of the light rays. The (visible) length of rays is also affected by the Method and Progress.

reduce flicker

This enables you to reduce murmur and therefore the emergence of streaks (rays).

Pattern A

By means of a document, you can tell that by using the Pattern A option, the appearance of text areas can be varied.

Vitascene starburst muster Rays

Pattern B

By means of a document, you can tell that by using the Pattern B option, the appearance of text areas can be varied However, this presentation is less refined.

Checker A

By means of a sample, you can tell that by using the Checker A option, identification of the size of areas can be varied. Identification is modulated using this sample.

Vitascene starburst checker a Rays

Checker B

By means of a sample, you can tell that by using the Checker B option, identification of the size of areas can be varied. Identification is modulated using this sample. However, this presentation is less refined.

Radial A

By means of a sample, you can tell that by using the Radial A option, identification of the size of areas can be varied. Identification is modulated using this sample.

Vitascene starburst radial a Rays

Radial B

By means of a sample, you can tell that by using the Radial B option, identification of the size of areas can be varied. Identification is modulated using this sample. However, this presentation is less refined.

Other additional settings are available in the Scan Mode field :


This option alters the appearance of the Rays effect, depending on the brightness.

Luminosity edge

An edge is determined in terms of brightness, to which the effect then relates.


This is where the alpha channel is used; should there not be one, the effect is applied to the whole image.

Alpha Edge

This is where the alpha channel is used, should there not be one the effect is applied to the whole image. An edge is determined, to which the effect then relates.

negative Luminosity

This method alters the appearance of the Starburst effect, depending on the brightness. However, only the dark areas of the image are used.

Bright Edge

An edge is determined in terms of brightness (tracing of bright edges only), to which the effect then relates.


This is where areas with a high concentration of color are altered in preference.


This is where areas with a maximum level of color are used; 100 % white has the same effect as 100 % red, green, blue, magenta, yellow or cyan.

Further options for creating effects :


This option determines when an effect begins, depending on the method used.

More effect settings are available in the Method field :

Edge Light

The progress of brightness has its origin in the source edge and not the vanishing point.  Brightness changes according to its distance from the source edge.

Vitascene ray edgeLight1 Rays

Flat Light

The progress of brightness has its origin in the source edge and not the vanishing point. Brightness changes according to its distance from the vanishing point.

Vitascene ray flatLight1 Rays

Soft Light

The progress of brightness is based on the source edge in both directions, to the vanishing point and in the opposite direction.

Vitascene ray softLight1 Rays

Motion Beam

This effect option functions as follows.

Vitascene ray motionBeam Rays

Flat Beam

This effect option functions as follows.

Vitascene ray flatBeam Rays

Spot Beam

This effect option functions as follows.

Vitascene ray spotBeam Rays

Back Beam

This effect option functions as follows.

Vitascene ray backLight Rays

3D Spot

The rays are positioned around the object, as on the surface of a sphere. This effect is only visible in an animation. 

Vitascene ray 3dSpot Rays

Further options for creating effects :


Depending on the method, the brightness level of the rays is controlled from the source to the maximum length.



This is where you can move the rays towards the vanishing point.


This is a type of combination of background and ray effect.

Depending on its identity, the composite is created in a positive or negative slider direction using the luminance or alpha
value. To ensure that both options are always available, the slider can be moved in a negative direction for the second option.

Composite 0%

Composite 100%

Vitascene ray composite 0 Rays

Vitascene ray composite 100 Rays


This is where you can control the brightness intensity of the original image.


This allows the rays of light created to be highlighted with a glow.

Highlight Color

This is where you can decide on a color to brighten up the ray effect.        

Vitascene starburst farbe Rays

Highlight Intensity

This option enables you to set the strength of the selected brightening color.

Tint Color

This is where you can choose a color with which to tint the rays.

Vitascene starburst ton Rays


This option enables you to set the strength of the selected tint color.

Exposure Tint

This is where you determine the way in which the tint works.

Vitascene starburst ton verlauf Rays


Using this option you can move the vanishing point in a horizontal direction.


Using this option you can move the vanishing point in a vertical direction.
