Saturation Direction Bloom

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The Saturation Direction Bloom effect strengthens colored sections in the image material. This effect also simulates reflections in the image using scattered light.

without Saturation Direction Bloom

with Saturation Direction Bloom

Vitascene  Saturation Direction Bloom

Vitascene saturation direction bloom Saturation Direction Bloom


Use this option to increase the colored sections as well as to determine the length of reflections in the image or video material.


This enables you to determine the color threshold at which the effect begins.


The intensity of the original image is used for optional dim-out as well as to strengthen the effect.


Enables you to determine the display strength of the effect.


Enables you to determine the strength of the colors in the image.


Use this option to alter the shade of the color in the image.


This allows the direction of the rays of light in the image to be changed.

reduce flicker

This allows you to reduce fluctuations in the brightness of rays of light in a sequence.

Saturation Direction Bloom